Friday, December 18, 2009

In hindsight I'm dumb

I've played WoW since about a month after it came out. I've played a lot of RPGs in my time and am decently experienced with the genre. Occasionally I make the mistake of thinking I am actually pretty decent at the game, and then I immediately get murdered by someone better (or someone smart enough to play a class that can stomp on my face). Once I get to the state of thinking I'm halfway decent I begin to want to play with others that are also pretty good. This is true both for the world of arenacraft as well as killing large dragons.

I've previously talked about how I got suckered into playing a priest, and I genuinely found this to be pretty enjoyable. As I was spending hours of my evenings on this endeavor I eventually tried to explain it to my girlfriend at the time as playing whack-a-mole. You know that stupid game at the state fair / Chuck-E-Cheeses where you get a hammer and little moles pop up from holes and you have to quickly bop them with the hammer. If too many of the moles get out of the hole your dps dies and then the guy handing out prizes at the fair enrages and kills the crowd/raid. If this analogy confuses you imagine what she was thinking... anyway the point was at that point healing pretty much consisted of healing whatever person had the largest health deficit with flash heal. So anyone that lost health it was my job to spam click on them and hit 2 (flash heal). I also needed to avoid large patches of fire while staying near people. This explanation probably hurt my cause as she looked at me like I had lost my fucking mind.

My friends saw me playing this game and decided that anything that took up that much of my time has to be pretty fun and perhaps they should start playing too. Too addicted to realize what I had done I eagerly agreed to help them level and teach them the ways of the MMO. This was probably the first time I thought I knew wtf I was doing and thought I could impart it to my friends. Luckily for all of us, pretty much everyone sucked at WoW then so you could be pretty fucking terrible by today's standards and still be considered good. My friends assumed I knew what I was talking about and rolled a warrior and a rogue. They wanted to be able to do instances as they leveled so they convinced me to level another character with them. In my infinite wisdom I rolled another priest. Yes I am serious I had a 60 priest and I decided to roll another one. Yes this is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever done in WoW. Yes I facepalm everytime I log on and see that extra 60 priest sitting there taking up a character slot. No I can't fucking delete him that represents a disturbing portion of my life I spent leveling with them.

We started this moronic endeavor (ok really I'm the only moron here but whatever) and after a few weeks my server started sucking ass. We were playing on Burning Legion, which was a very mature server with lots of really good guilds and good PvP (both world and bg). The problem was we started having huge 1k+ queues during prime time. Blizzard being fucking lazy and greedy didn't increase the hardware on their server or the number of people allowed on the server. My friends were disturbed they were paying each month to sit in a 30 minute queue. Blizzard then opened up the noble realm of Mug'Lawl (Mug'thol) and we decided to transfer. I had never really planned on playing my shitty priest once my friends dinged 60, I could just start playing with them on my real priest. The one tearing it up in BWL and AQ40. This didn't work out so well once they transferred so I transferred my 60 night elf priest with them. My "big" priest stayed on Burning Legion to keep raiding, as I was an officer at this point and I had extensive amounts of Dragon Kewl Points I needed to spend. Yeah raiding with those jerks sucked but DKP kept me a loyal slave to their stupid rules and showing up constantly to get the coveted purples. My friends started complaining I never played with them, and lets be honest I didn't have the fucking heart to gear up a second priest. Thankfully I got into a huge fight with the guild leader of my guild during an AQ40, told him what a selfish piece of shit he was, caused crazy drama with the officers, cursed out everyone that was anyone in vent and transfered off that piece of shit server.

So now I had 60 priests on Mug'thol and having not learned my lesson I really wanted to find a good guild that would let me accumulate MORE DKP so I could get more purples. Now I didn't even have the joy of playing my alt rogue cause I was a poor college student and didn't want to transfer my rogue. Luckily my friend's rogue was starting to get into MC / BWL with his freshly formed guild. My friend's rogue Kerial starting getting some purples but he started getting ADHD and doing other "real life" things. He graciously allowed me access to his rogue which I then began raiding with his guild when he couldn't. Since I was pretty familiar with the instances they were progressing in I was able to give some helpful advice (most of which was ignored) which then lead to less polite helpful advice which was not ignored but did not make me popular....cough cough sorry Kerial.

So this general me playing both thing persisted through the remainder of Vanilla. Then when BC came out we decided to switch mains cause he gets bored easily and I liked the rogue better. I made it to 68 on the rogue before I got super burned out and kinda quit. He made it to about 64 on the priest before he did the same. At that point we still had 60+ active people in our guild so I knew I wasn't gonna get a raid spot but eventually enough people quit that they needed a priest to raid so I picked Mask back up and played him as my main throughout BC. I suckered Kerial back in and we played rogue/priest 2v2 for most of season 2 together. After season 2 his interest again waned and I resumed playing his character long enough to get him shoulders s3 and s4 but didn't push for gladiator due to my aggressive alcohol intake schedule.

Fast forward to WotLK I continued to play my priest as my main, and at this point Kerial canceled his account so I had no rogue. Guess what I did... yep Raithen was born when I rolled an 80 rogue in about 2 weeks which is now my "main." Then Kerial came back to the game and rolled his beautiful 80 druid Karial. Which brings me back to the title of this post.

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