Monday, January 11, 2010

Stream of Consciousness

So after the long Holiday season, lots of traveling, and not a lot of WoW. I'm BACK!

So the Bits has a warlock now that he's gearing up, which means lots of heroic runs. Problem 1: He is the tank for our groups of insta-queue. Which means we needed to find another one. Raithen's response about asking if his Pally would/could tank. "Umm, I threw away/vendored all my tanking gear" Alright then, I've got a feral spec. Maybe not (even close to) the greatest, but could be fun.
32K buffed HP what what. So after searching out skills such as Lacerate to be included on my bars, we set to work.

Jong talks about How Opposite Healing is for Him. Consider this my apology to all tanks I have ever grouped with, especially Bits who has put up with me for awhile.

I'm sorry I didn't wait for you to get aggro before attacking. I'm sorry I thought it was cool to pull aggro and that it made me feel like I had 1337 dps. I'm sorry that because of this you probably now have ulcers/high blood pressure.

HO - LEE MOSES tanking is a completely different world for me. Yes healing can be stressful at times, but for the most part I only have to really focus on healing one person. Tanking Old Kingdom was exciting for everyone involved. Groups of casters are real cool when i don't have a silence. Here are some of the Tanking Highlights from our heroics runs last night:
1. Realizing that I don't actually know these instances, I just followed people around healing them when they had less than 100% health. ( I went left, rest of group went right, I pulled, I'm alone.)
2. Wondering why swipe isn't working (I'm in caster form preparing to be 1-shot)
3. Finally decided drinking would help this problem. I almost fell down my stairs taking my dog to the bathroom, then came back to tank Pit of Saron.
4. Halls of Reflection. This may not actually be a highlight as we were smart enough not to even attempt it. We just apologized to the 2 rando DPS and said enjoy your 15 min.

I'm pretty sure I had some minor heart attacks/panic attacks running in what seemed like a circle, taunting every time it was off CD to save the Bits' lock/Raithen's Pally from the trash mob bending them over.

I also tried 2v2 with a random destro lock who was adding in trade for a "smart healer with over 800 resil" That's ME!!? I'm smart, I've got close to 1k resil in stick form. Let's DO THIS.

Hint #1: He says, "I have vent, but no mic. So I won't say anything, but I can hear you."
Hint #2: After the first game, the double DPS team still has 100% health in a 5 min match.
Hint #3: I got in trouble for not saying anything on vent after game 1....because I was speechless.

Needless to say, this will not be the team I take to gladiator status.


And who talks about politics while peeing next to someone? And not just "How about that obama" Like full out, "Sup Republican Man, are you republican or conservative?"


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